Mozzarella in Carrozza’ namely ‘Mozzarella served in a carriage’, is one of the many deep-fried preparations of Neapolitan tradition and owes its name to the fact that the bread used for this recipe was originally round, just like a carriage wheel.

Before the arrival of sliced bread aka ‘American bread’, Mozzarella in Carrozza was traditionally made, and even now the more traditionalists make it like this, by using a very simple bread that has been stale for a few days so as not to throw it away and reuse it in the best way, soaking it in milk just long enough to soften it.

Whatever bread you decide to use, these deep-fried mozzarella sandwiches are served piping hot with a stringy mozzarella filling.

A similar preparation is made in Lazio region with the addition of ham or anchovies addition to the mozzarella sandwiches.

Serves: 4 | Preparation time 10 mins | Cooking time: 15 mins

  • Mozzarella cheeses or Buffalo mozzarella: 250 g
  • Milk: 75 ml
  • Sliced Bread Loaf or Stale Bread Slices: 14
  • Eggs: 4
  • Salt and Black Pepper, a pinch
  • Breadcrumbs: to taste
  • Plain flour / All Purpose flour: to taste
  • extra-virgin-olive-oil (or Peanuts seed oil), for deep-frying, 1 lt


Beat up the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt and black pepper, mix thoroughly. Place the breadcrumbs in a shallow plate and the flour in another one.

Use absorbent kitchen paper or a kitchen towel to dry mozzarella.

Tip: if the mozzarella is too moist, it will make the bread too soft and it could overflowing into the pan when deep-frying.

Cut mozzarella into thin slices.

Arrange the slices of bread, place the slices of mozzarella on top covering the whole slice, cover each slice with another slice of bread and halve them to make triangles. Pressing well with the hands to close them well and to make the mozzarella stick to the bread.

Flour each sandwich, pass it into the beaten eggs, then coat it evenly in breadcrumbs.

Heat up the EVOO, deep-fry breaded sanwiches until well gilded, making sure they cook evenly on both sides. Place them on a plate lined with kitchen paper to get rid of the excess oil.

Sprinkle a pinch of salt on top and serve hot.

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