A typical food of the spring and summer season. A staple of Italian cuisine, they are served as starters or even as street food especially in Central-Southern Italy, particularly in Lazio region.

Rich in vitamins, mineral salts, folic acid and antioxidants, also very low in calories.

Since they are edible flowers, it would be better to consume them very fresh since they easily wither.  

Have to look at the colour : it has to be deep yellow, with turgid and not softened or greyed ends, no brown or blackish hues of any kind, otherwise it means they have been there for a while, so not fresh.

Perfect also added raw in salad or added at the last moment on a focaccia or pizza, baked, they are also tasty in rustic cakes, perfect in frittatas as well as the most classic recipe, i.e. stuffed with mozzarella and anchovies, then battered and deep-fried as they make in Rome.

How to clean Courgette Flowers?

Take the flowers one by one and remove the lateral green creases at the bottom of the flower itself. You can decide to keep the stem at the base or leave it. Gently wipe up the flower with a kitchen cloth, remove the pistil. Rinse the flowers gently under the running water for few seconds, then dry them on a cloth.


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